Dharma: As Explained in the Manu Smriti — Verse 2.6

Hindu Governance
2 min readJul 11, 2021


Understand. Being monitored is different, being managed is different. Unmonitored but superbly managed, independent structure. Unmonitored but managed — is what I call Dharma. Understand. ‘Unmonitored but managed’ is Dharma. Nobody is monitoring Sun and the Moon. They are all managed by their Integrity. By the strength of their own Integrity, they are all managed — unmonitored but managed. This is My vision for My Sangha. Unmonitored, independently managed by their own Integrity, by their own Integrity. That is Dharma. Understand. This celebrative lifestyle of Hinduism is centered on this ‘dharmaartha kama moksha’. The principle of ‘moksha’ is celebrated by the lifestyle of Dharma, which shares… generates and shares the ‘artha’ — wealth, which is in turn celebrated and enjoyed by the ‘kama’. Understand. Unmonitored by…..unmonitored but maintained by its own integrity, that Dharma, does not create stress on citizens. It is not law which needs enforcement department. It’s Dharma, which just needs ‘Enlightenment Department’. Oh Bharat, unfortunately you followed the British and still following the British and destroyed your Enlightenment Department, that is why you need enforcement department. Get back, get back to your Enlightenment Department. Indigenous mechanism of managing, understand, the indigenous mechanism of managing, is temple based lifestyle. Temple based lifestyle, where literally no enforcement is required. No enforcement is required.


The Definition of dharma as explained by The SPH

YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1kFV0pOlaw



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